Grow Your Show is an in-depth, interactive podcast growth e-course created by Ossa (pronounced "AH-sah"). We're a podcast network on a mission to help women in podcasting increase their earning power, elevate their social and cultural influence, and land more shows in the Top 100.

The Grow Your Show e-course familiarizes podcasters like you with key platforms and strategies to accelerate your show's growth. Each one of our e-course's 9 modules is hosted and produced by a handpicked industry expert. Each module includes a ~20 minute video tutorial, coursework to apply what you've learned to your own show, and resources for continued growth and development.

"Welcome to Ossa's Grow Your Show E-Course, available for free exclusively for Ossa members! Our e-course is packed with lots of great tools and strategies for taking your show to the next level."

Marla Isackson

Meet our Grow Your Show panel of experts!

Top Row (from left to right)

Robyn Sayles | Launching Your Success | Module A: Who/What/Why

Amber Hurdle | Bombshell Business Podcast | Module B: USP

Krystal Proffitt | The Proffitt Podcast | Module C: Branding

Middle Row (from left to right):

Andrea Jones | Savvy Social Podcast | Module D: Instagram

Meredith Reed | Editor-in-Chief & Social Media Executive, Ossa | Module E: Facebook

Karen Yankovich | Good Girls Get Rich Podcast | Module F: LinkedIn

Bottom Row (from left to right):

Catherine Gray | Live Love Thrive Podcast | Module G, YouTube

Lori Lefcourt | CPG Babe Podcast | Module H, Website

Ari Krzyzek | Chykalophia | Module I: Networking/Guest Appearances